I coach individuals who feel trapped and unsatisfied in their current work or life situation, realise their dreams to live a more creative life.
Creativity is an intrinsic part of being human. It is for everyone and not just those born with the ‘gift ‘.
Being able to express your creative needs is not a luxury, it’s an essential part of your fulfillment in life and to feeling whole. It is vital for how you show up at work, at home, in your relationships and in your downtime.
If self-doubt, perfectionism, imposter syndrome or the fear of failure are stopping you from expressing yourself, and living the life you want to lead, I can help.
It’s time to rise to the challenge and create the change you are seeking in your life, I can coach you to access your creative dreams and make them work for you.
Your inner-critic can show up everywhere.
Entrepreneurs, creative industry professionals, freelancers, people going through a mid-life crisis and retirees. We all suffer from self doubt, and times when low self worth holds us back from living the life we so desperately want to lead.
You might be trying to find meaning in the mundane job you’ve been ploughing away at for years and thinking to yourself, “At least there is security here, I like the people I work with, but I really need a creative outlet to bring a bit of balance back to my life, that would really make me feel alive again and counteract the boredom irritation and anxiety that has set in…. but I don’t know how or what to do?”
The overthinking can leave you frustrated and feeling helpless.
Perhaps you’re contemplating about changing your career and not wanting to get caught in the same trap of feeling irritated and exhausted all the time….“I need to find a more creative job or outlet, but I’m scared to rock the boat.. what if the money isn’t good enough?”
Do you find yourself endlessly procrastinating about what you are going to do? But then you never actually get around to doing whatever ‘it’ is.
Could self-doubt or lack of confidence could be holding you back from the brink of starting your own business but you’re bursting to be released and need to find the courage to take the first step.
Are you constantly thinking that your winging it in your role and you’re worried that soon you’ll be found out? Imposter syndrome can play havoc with your life and your self acceptance.
If left unchecked, it can leave you suffering from burnout, anxiety and desperate to find another way.
What’s even more disheartening is when you’ve made a concerted effort to change but always seem to end up where you started.
Consuming self-help books or attending workshops to try and change your bad habits can momentarily improve self-worth and give you hope of finding an answer that’s meaningful to you.
But the results are often fleeting at best.
Even friends and family, who have your back and want the best for you can’t really offer you a way out from feeling stuck and unmotivated to find change that is meaningful to you.
Passively watching online videos by experts on imposter syndrome, creative blocks, and self-doubt often give short-lived motivation but no lasting relief or true direction forward.
That’s because these books, videos and workshops haven’t met and spent time with just YOU.
“Marco’s guidance and calm approach enabled me to examine my goals and aspirations for the future in a clear, creative and methodical way. He helped me realize what was important and enable me to challenge my resistance to making adjustments.”
Nick Cosens, Props Master Film and Television.
"Marco has supported me through a challenging time in both my personal and professional life. His approach to coaching encourages frank, open, and honest dialogue injected with humour and humility. I thoroughly enjoy our sessions and I always come away with a positive mind-set. He has helped me hold myself accountable for my own personal growth as well as encourage me to value what I am good at and what I can achieve."
Zoe Holland, Chief Commercial Officer at Fletchers Group, Founder of ZebraLC, NED/ Trustee & Executive Coach.
Are you ready for change?
I’m a fully trained Co-Active coach in certification
In my own life, I have experienced self-doubt and perfectionism. Both have left me feeling powerless and trapped. Imposter syndrome tore away at my self-worth and endless procrastination kept me going round in ever decreasing circles and prevented me from taking purposeful action.
Being coached taught me how my own fears and inner critic were holding me back.
It helped me to reconnect with my creativity, resourcefulness and most importantly, my core values. It guided me to find the answers and the solutions for the challenges and fears I faced.
The results were transformational and I’m passionate about empowering others who face similar challenges to find the insights they seek for themselves.
Coaching with me offers relief from the stranglehold of imposter syndrome and self-doubt. It reconnects you with your core values and guides you to lead your own life from a place that is authentic to you.
When I work with a client, I am helping them find freedom from their fear of failure.
I help them break away from creative blocks and find peace from exhausting perfectionism.
So, if you're feeling stuck and unmotivated… it’s time to take back control.
I can help you get back in touch with your own unique values.
By finding your purpose, the barriers holding you back will fall away enabling you to move forward with confidence .
“I have spent this past 5 years honing my craft, working predominantly in isolation. My goal is to find an agent and move my work forward but it's something that I have been procrastinating over. Am I really ready? Can I cope with the rejection? Etc etc. Working with Marco has given me the confidence to move forward. He has stopped me faffing and made me realise that I am ready to move to the next level. After our third session I'd written a proposal and sent it off to an agent. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time.”
Sabina Townshend, Author and illustrator.